29th November '13: If you'd like up-to-the-minute
updates on my current sewing activity then you may be interested in my new Twitter feed. If you'd like
to follow me there is a link on my home page or search for @arcasdesigns on Twitter.
27th November '13: I've been working upside
down again. :o) Please click here to meet Lento, a Hoffmann's two-toed sloth.
15th October '13: I'm excited to introduce you
to my very first avian creation, Otus the Eastern Screech Owl. He was quite a challenge to create! Please click
here to meet him.
10th Sept '13: I've finally finished my latest custom
order, he took me more hours to create than I care to mention. Please click here to meet Jax the Canadian lynx.
7th Sept '13: Wow, last week was quite a week
for me! First I found out that Chip, my little mouse, had won a Public Choice award in the 2013 TOBY awards and second
I discovered that Idir had won a Judges Choice Award in the 2013 Excellence in Bear Artistry Awards. I am so thrilled!
Thank you to everyone who voted for Chip, I really appreciate your kind support. Idir now goes on the the
public voting phase of the EBAAs. If you'd like to see all the other nominees and cast your vote for your favourites
then please visit the link below.
Thank you so much!
7th Aug '13: I will be on holiday from the 8th
till the 22nd August. If you try and contact me I may not be able to respond till I return home again.
12th June '13: I am excited to introduce you
all to Idir the Fennec Fox, he was fortunate enough to find himself a new home through my mailing list. Please
click here to meet him.
9th June 2013: I am happy to report that
I am now accepting commissions again. Please go to the Purchasing & Commissions Info page to view current order status.
25th April '13: Another special order is finished
and she's on her way to Australia as I type, please click here to meet Ninu the bilby.
5th April '13: I've uploaded pictures of my latest
custom order. Please click here to meet Sequoia.
29th March '13: I am excited to report that an article
featuring Arcas Designs has been published in the 'New Zealand Teds' magazine (April/May 2013 issue).
I'm honoured to have my creations included within it. A copy of the article can be seen on the Publications page.
3rd March '13: Let's go singin' and dancin'
in the rain! Please click here to meet Kelly who was lucky enough to quickly find himself a new home through my mailing list.
20th Feb '13: Finally I have a new creation
available for sale, please click here to meet Lorenzo the slender loris.
8th Feb '13: I've just uploaded details of my
first creation of 2013, please click here to meet Yepa.
15th Jan '13: I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas
and New Year. I, unfortunately, was ill with the nasty bug that seemed to be affecting half the population of the UK. Fortunately I
am back up to speed now and have some exciting news to share. I just found out today that Chip the mouse has won a 2013
TOBY Industry's Choice award. Yipeee! I keep having to pinch myself to check that I'm not dreaming, to say that I'm
pleased is an understatement. He will feature in the June issue of Teddy Bear & Friends magazine along with all
the other nominees for the public voting phase.