Ninu is a greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis)
otherwise known as the rabbit-eared bandicoot. They are nocturnal, Australian desert living marsupials that like
to burrow and eat insects, seeds and all sorts of others goodies. Bilbies are sadly in decline due to habitat loss,
competition with other animals and predation by feral cats and foxes in particular.
Ninu is a traditional aboriginal name (Pitjantjatjarra
dialect) for the bilby in South Australia.
She has been created using all white Schulte synthetic
fur and ultrasuede and filled with a combination of bouncifill and plastic pellets in her tummy (for added weight). She has cotterpin and hardboard jointed arms/legs and wire armature in her
body/tail and all four limbs for poseability (including her individual
fingers and toes). She has black glass eyes ringed by waxed cotton cord lids and her nose has been sculpted from polymer
clay. Her claws have been made from Apoxie sculpt modeling compound. Her whiskers have been individually applied
and are created from hand-dyed horsehair.
Ninu has been scissor sculpted and her fur markings have been
completely hand shaded using an airbrush. She measures approximately 9" from nose to bottom (not including the
tail, which is another 5" long) and 6.5" in height when stood on all four feet (to the tips of her ears) .
Last but not least she has an Arcas Designs fabric tag sewn in under her bottom.