Slo-Mo is a female brown-throated sloth (Bradypus
variegatus). She was created as a special order.
The brown-throated sloth is the commonest of the four species of three-toed
sloth. They can be found in the forests of central and southern America and they are most noted for their speed
of movement (which is very slow), sleep patterns (they sleep for 15-18 hrs per day) and the fact that they can have green tinged
fur due to the growth of blue green algae that lives within it. Fascinating animals.
Mo has been created using a mix of four colours of Schulte synthetic
fabrics with ultrasuede paw pads. She has been filled with Bouncifill stuffing and has wire armature in her arms,
legs and back to allow her to pose they way a real sloth should. She has high
quality glass taxidermy eyes that have been set into specially constructed sockets and there are waxed cotton
cords representing her eyelids. The nose has
been sculpted from flexible polymer clay and the mouth from perle cotton thread. Her really
enormous claws have been created from Apoxie Sculpt and have been attached to the arms and legs with wire. They
have been painted and covered with a layers of matt varnish to seal in the colour.
Mo has been scissor sculpted and airbrush shaded all over including a green
tinge to her body and limbs representing the rainy season algae bloom on the fur.
Mo is pretty much life-sized and measures approximately 16.5" from the top
of her head to the tip of her cute little tail.
Here are her photos....