Cheetahs need no introduction really, they are
the fastest mammals on land and can achieve speeds of up to 75mph (120km/h) in short bursts. A few interesting facts that
you may not know are that they are one of the few species of cats to have semi-retractable claws (they are always on
show which helps with grip when running), large nostrils (which allow them to breath easier) and the black
'tear' marks that run from the corners of their eyes down the sides of their noses (which apparently keeps the sunlight out
of their eyes aiding them whilst hunting. Due to habitat loss cheetahs are now classed as a vulnerable species.
Masozi has been created from all white
Schulte synthetic fabrics and has been firmly stuffed with polyfil. A bag of plastic pellets resides in his tummy
for added weight and there are rubber pellets in his tail for flexibility. His front and back legs have internal armature
for posing and there is an additional wire 'spine' running down from his head into his tail.
His paws have separate toes and individually
applied stuffed ultrasuede pads (including the wrist or pisiform pads). There are also hand sculpted polymer clay
claws securely attached with wire backs.
Masozi has beautiful realistic high quality glass taxidermy
eyes set into specially constructed eye sockets with upper and lower lids. He has a wired mouth with and ultrasuede tongue
and polmer clay lower canine teeth His nose is also sculpted from polymer clay and he whiskers are horsehair.
He has
been extensively scissor sculpted and the intricate fur markings have been completely hand shaded using an airbrush.
There is an Arcas Designs fabric tag sewn in just under his tail.
Masozi measures approximately 13.25" from the
tip of his ears to the base of his paws and approximately 14.5" from front to back (not including the tail).