Apparently studies have shown that mice don't really
like cheese. Well, Chester strongly disagrees with that! He loves cheese above all else, he finds it the absolute
best food to maintain his fine figure.
Chester was created using Schulte synthetic fabrics with ultrasuede
hands, feet, tail and ears. His cheese-sustained full figure has been firmly stuffed with polyfil with a bag of
glass beads nestling in his tummy for added mousie weight. He is fully jointed and has wire armature in his arms and legs
(all the way down to his nimble little fingers and toes). He has black glass eyes with an embroidered nose and mouth. His
long whiskers are made from horse hair. I have lightly airbrush-shaded his ears, face hands and feet.
He measures approximately 4.5" when stood up and 4" when sat. A fabric Arcas Designs tag is sewn in under his bottom.
Chester doesn't go anywhere without a piece of cheese to nibble on, after all he never knows when the hunger
pangs will strike next. The cheese was moulded from Sculpey flexible clay.