I've wanted to make a Tarsier ever since
I saw them featured on the TV programme 'Nick Baker's Weird Creatures'. They do somewhat bear a resemblance
to the creatures in the film 'Gremlins' but nevertheless I think they are rather sweet looking.
Tarsiers have the honour of having the largest eyes,
in comparison to body size, of all the mammals. Their eyes are larger than their brains! For more information
and photos of the actual animal please visit the link below.
I created Oggy using Tyber synthetic fabric with ultrasuede hands,
feet, tail, ears and muzzle. His filling consists of polyfill with a bag of glass beads in his tummy for added
weight. The limbs, including those long fingers and toes, have been wired for poseability. He has high quality
glass taxidermy eyes set into wired polymer clay sockets with waxed cotton cord 'lids'. His nose has been sculpted from polymer
clay and his mouth from perle cotton.
He has been scissor and needle sculpted with light airbrush shading on his hands,
feet, ears and face.
Tarsiers prefer to be upright all of the time in the wild so I decided that Oggy
needed his own branch on which to cling to. I created the branches from a textured synthetic fabric with ultrasuede
representing the ends. The base is a combination of hand dyed dark green mohair with faux cashmere. A strong wire frame
with polyfil stuffing maintains the shape.
Oggy measures approximately 4" in height (when sat). His branch is just
under 10" tall and the base measures approximately 7.5" by 5".
On to the pictures....