Scamp measures 3.75" when sitting
and 4.5" when stood up.
He is a sweet little mouse created using
Tyber synthetic fur with guard hairs in toffee and cream. He has pink ultrasuede hands, feet and ears. His
shapely figure has been firmly stuffed with polyfil with a bag of glass beads nestling in his tummy for
added weight. He is fully jointed and has wire armature in his tail, arms and legs (including those cute
little fingers and toes) to give a great range of movement. He has glass eyes with embroidered lids nose and mouth. He has airbrushed detailing and his whiskers are made from
horse hair.
Scamp is a flower
loving mouse and he travels everywhere accompanied by a beautiful bloom held carefully in his paw. His ox-eye
daisy has been created using ultrasuede with a wired stem and sparkly seed beads representing the disc florette.
And now on to his beauty shots, there are lots and may take a
while to load so please be patient.
"Hi, my name is Scamp!"
"I'm very pleased to meet you."
"I'm a very happy little mouse."
"And quite cute too, don't ya think?"
"As you can see I like my food."
"I'm proud of my glossy thick tail."
"I like to travel a lot and always take
my favourite flower with me."
"It's very pretty and quite useful too."
"It's great as a sunshade..."
"...and an umbrella when those drops of rain
start to fall."
"We look good together, even at close range."
"Irresistable, huh?"
"All in all I'm quite a handful!"
"Please come back and visit us again soon!"
*Gone to live with Mitsie and friends
in Grantham, UK*